Case Studies

Case Studies

PDS Planning

Already a long-term client of MJ2 Marketing, the leadership team at PDS Planning approached the MJ2 team about their website. They were considering either a website ‘refresh’ or a full development project and asked the MJ2 Web Dev team to provide a recommended path forward.  

The PDS Planning website was full of content, but the content did not really speak to the financial firm’s target audience. As a result, they were seeing significant web traffic and leads, but the vast majority of them were not qualified leads or in the demographic they were targeting.  

After discussing the difference between a website refresh – an aesthetic update with new images and content but not changes to the structure of the website- and full web dev project, they decided to pursue a new website.  

The new website was designed to better reflect PDS Planning, how its team works best with its clients, and how its flat fixed fee model sets them apart from others in their industry.  

New Features

☑️ Calculate Your Fees – Most people have no idea what fees they pay their advisor on an annual basis because the fee is “covered” by their investments – essentially it is a percentage of their portfolio. With the new Fee Calculator designed and developed by the MJ2 Web Dev team, the website can estimate the fee for visitors, further emphasizing for the target audience when it makes financial sense to work with PDS Planning instead of another financial firm. 

☑️ Services – The new targeted service pages focus on client goals, demonstrating that as a fiduciary, PDS Planning tailors its approach to develop a long-term strategy to help clients meet their unique goals.  

☑️ Our Approach – To enhance the peace of mind that clients can expect when working with PDS Planning, the new website has a page dedicated to the firm’s unique approach to financial planning. 

Upon completion, the new website launch included multiple media channels, including social media, email marketing, and video content. Although the new website has only been live for about three months, early indicators are that the updated design, functionality, and content are doing as intended.  

The results are measurable and show a correlation that the new website design, content, and functionality matches what their target audience is searching for. For example, the engagement from sources (direct, organic, email, and social) has significantly increased, indicating that visitors to the new website are more closely aligned with the target audience and they are spending more time on the site. The overall website engagement rate went from 32 seconds on the site to 1:11. Additionally, the website has yielded increased conversions (desired events) which include more submitted forms, more clicks from email, etc.  

Browse other MJ2 Marketing web development projects.  


PDS Planning


Web Development



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