The Project
The Request: A brand strategy…but make it creative and quick!
NXLevel Solutions came to MJ2 Marketing as a client referral for branding and creative work from another client in the life sciences space.
Their primary goal was to complete a speed branding exercise to better define their overall brand statement, divisional descriptors, tagline, and campaign messaging before the upcoming trade show season.
MJ2 brand strategists worked directly with top-level executives on the project, interviewed several key stakeholders, hosted a virtual brand strategy session, and fully defined the new NXLevel brand. The entire strategic effort took eight weeks to complete.
The Results
Brand messaging tells the story of who your company is. It is the way a brand communicates its unique value proposition and personality through its verbal and nonverbal messaging.
For the NXLevel project, the Brand messaging process resulted in a Tagline, Brand Statement, and Divisional Brand Descriptions. These will help the team further define and develop the brand voice for NXLevel to carry throughout its sales and marketing efforts.

Creative Messaging
After final approval of the Brand Messaging, NXLevel asked the MJ2 creative team to provide creative concepts for LTEN2024 Conference and Trade Show, being held in June 2024.
For a message to deliver the desired impact, it must be clear, concise, and relevant on a personal level. Creative messaging needs to convey vital information attractively and memorably with a design that reflects the brand identity and values but with a distinctive, eye-catching look and style.
While full Creative Messaging is a much lengthier process, the MJ2 creative team dove in and quickly developed four concepts for the NXLevel team to select from for their internal creative team to flesh out for the booth display.

The Final Reveal

NXLevel Solutions
Brand Messaging