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Do You Have to Pay to Play on Facebook?

Best Practices for Getting Your Organic Content Seen

Recognizing the importance of the role of Facebook (and its 2.74 billion users!) to our clients’ digital marketing success Team MJ2 relies on getting the latest and greatest information on the platform from Facebook marketing expert, Mari Smith.

Recently, our Digital Content Director, Jenn Dring, and Senior Social Media Specialist, Erica Newell, participated in Smith’s Facebook Organic Marketing Masterclass, also known as #FBOMM. A virtual training course focusing on how to produce organic content that gets seen, FBOMM was broken into modules, each focusing on a different aspect of effectively utilizing Facebook for brands.

During our weekly staff meeting, Jenn shared 5 #FBOMM best practices for improving your organic content to get seen on Facebook.

How can I serve?

Define the niche area your brand is the trusted resource for and capitalize on that area. Your business cannot and should not be the trusted resource for everything.

Subtle call to action

Put yourself in the shoes of your customer. What do they want or need to know? Now, provide content that provides value. The trick is to provide content without asking for anything in return for your customer. That’s how you build trust and ensure they come back for more. Of course, every once in a while you will want to include an “ask,” or a call to action to encourage what you want them to do, such as subscribe to your email list, download a white paper, or even click on a link to your latest blog. Be purposeful about your message. It is important to remember quality over quantity when posting on Facebook. Don’t just post for the sake of posting, make sure you have a purpose to every post. Be strategic about your content and ensure it is relevant, valuable, and timely for your audience. Videos get noticed, but include variety in your posts. When utilizing social media for your brand it is important to know what the best performing posts are on different platforms. And while you want to pay attention to this, it also is important to ensure you have variety in the content you post, including videos, images, links, or status updates. Having a well-rounded social media presence helps any audience have a better gage of your brand. Not everyone likes the same type of content, so you want to provide a little of everything.

Best performing posts for Facebook:

  • Live video
  • Images
  • Native videos (stay away from Youtube videos if you can because Facebook doesn’t react well to Youtube links)
  • Links Status perform well on Facebook but not as well as videos or images.

Best performing posts for Instagram:

  • Reels
  • Live video
  • Stories
  • Carousel posts
  • IGTV (now called Instagram TV)

Mari Smith recommends 60% video, 20% images, 10% status updates and 10% links. Although links are not a preferred method on any social media platform, sometimes they are necessary to drive your audience back to your most valuable asset – your website.

Cross-promote on your content

If appropriate, repost your company’s content on your own personal social media and vice versa. This may not be relevant for everyone, but it can be a powerful tool to amplify your message. For instance, a real estate professional shares the agency’s content on a personal profile. It’s probably no surprise that personal accounts often have a stronger reach to a an audience that has been personally nurtured.

Another powerful tactic for Facebook is engaging in or starting a Facebook Group on behalf of your brand. This helps Facebook know you are active, therefore, attracting more traction to your page. Also be sure to engage on all of the various Feeds that make up Facebook, including the standard News feed, Group Feed, Watch Feed (videos), Pages Feed, Hashtag Feed, and Search Feed. Of course, don’t forget Stories and Reels (coming soon to Facebook!). Bottom line – engage, engage, engage! After all…

“Content is King but Engagement is Queen and she rules the house!” – Mari Smith

Need help utilizing social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to amplify your brand? You are in the right place, because at MJ2 Marketing, we help brands grow through digital and social channels. Check out our work, and then contact us for a quick chat about how we can help. Contact the digital marketing experts at MJ2 today!