Blog Post

The “Going Live” Marketing Strategy

A person holding a phone and going live on social media.

It has been a busy week “going live” with the MJ2 team

We are continuing to help our clients pivot their marketing strategies to embrace this new normal that we are all living in, and this includes “Going Live” whenever possible.

MJ2 Marketing + Wayne Henry of 43 Homes

This form of marketing is so valuable that Megan James joined Wayne Henry from 43 Homes for a live webinar to discuss how it is being used in the real estate industry. During their conversation, they talked about trends in social media marketing, the value of going Live, how the impact of social media is increasing as virtual events become more prominent, and a few trips and tricks on how to gain the most exposure on the social platforms.

Going Live with Timeless Skin Solutions

While Timeless Skin Solutions has used Facebook Lives in the past for the social media following, they have taken these Lives to the next level in the post-pandemic world. Beginning with their Three-Day Virtual Patient Appreciation Event in August, they have developed a monthly series of Facebook Lives and are now including Instagram Lives, as well. In working with Timeless, the MJ2 team has figured out a few “best practices” that helps to make the Live event more enjoyable and authentic, resulting in increased exposure and engagement:

  • Promote via social media and email marketing in the week leading up to the event – including Facebook and Instagram posts, stories, and Facebook event discussion posts. 
  • Send an email the morning of the event and then again immediately prior to the beginning of the event with a link directly to the Live
  • Stage the event – keep it real, but make sure the setting is visually appealing and allows for uninterrupted filming. 
  • Begin the Live about 10 minutes prior to the stated start of the event to give people time to be notified it is starting and to tune in. This also allows you to grab that live link to include in the final email push. 
  • Know what you are going to talk about. No need for a script, but make sure each participant has a few talking points to keep the conversation on track and valuable. 
  • Engage with the participants during the Live. Be sure you have someone standing by to comment and engage with those who are watching.
  • Have fun and schedule the next one!

Ready to start using “going live” to market your business? The MJ2 team is here to help! From overall digital marketing plans to questions related to a specific expertise, contact our team to get started.