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Historic Dublin Art Installation Set for May 7

Historic Dublin Art Installation preview.

Dublin, OH – One of the initiatives brought by the small business community to the Dublin Business Recovery Task Force is set to come to fruition this week. The “Historic Dublin Lives” mural is set to be installed on the corner of High and Bridge Streets in Historic Dublin on Thursday, May 7, at 4:00 pm. 

The mural is the passion project of Megan James of MJ2 Marketing, whose office is located in Historic Dublin. A resident of a nearby Dublin neighborhood, Megan says she went to pick up takeout from Dublin Village Tavern one night in mid-April and found that she could literally walk down the center of High Street during what would normally be rush hour, and there was not a car in sight. 

“It struck me that I would love to be able to shine a light on these businesses and build awareness among the residents who are walking around the Bridge and High intersection.” 

Many residents have taken to strolling the new Dublin Link bridge during the statewide stay-at-home order to get some fresh air. Placing the mural at the intersection will allow all businesses – including those to the South who are not getting the same level of exposure – to be represented.

“There are so many businesses in the area, some that have been around for two decades and some that have been around for two months before they had to abruptly close,” James goes on to say. “These businesses really rely on the Dublin community for support, and I wanted to support them in return.”

And the commitment to Historic Dublin is personal, “I have enjoyed having a successful digital company in historic Dublin, now in its second location as we have expanded. I would like to see these businesses survive.” 

Megan worked with her Creative Director, Ariana Goffe, to further develop the idea and then took it to Sharon Adamek of the Historic Dublin Business Association (HDBA) and received overwhelming support. “We are really excited to work on the project alongside MJ2 to bring awareness to the large number and variety of businesses in Historic Dublin, and to support them during the re-opening,” notes Sharon. 

While the HDBA typically works specifically on behalf of member businesses in the district, Sharon said under the current circumstances that she felt it was important that the project represents all businesses in Historic Dublin. “It’s a community here, and we all need to stick together right now.” She is hopeful that businesses will recognize the value of the work of the HDBA and decide to join moving forward. 

Once the project received support from the HDBA and the City of Dublin, Megan reached out to local artist, and former Dublin resident, Polly Sellers to design the mural. A wedding photographer by trade, Polly has taken to creating “daily doodles” and posting on her Instagram to stay creative and support local businesses. Her doodles on a Columbus-themed poster caught Megan’s eye and within two weeks the “Historic Dublin Lives” project became a reality. 

Born and raised in Dublin, Polly attended St. Brigid of Kildare School and Bishop Watterson High School. “Dublin has been home to me my whole life, so it has been very special to be able to work on this project.”


Contact: Jennifer Dring