Instagram Stories has over 400 million daily active users. Let that sink in. And there’s no sign that it’s stopping anytime soon. Not to mention, Instagram just added a music stickers option, allowing users to add songs to their Instagram stories. So cool, right?
There’s no doubt that Instagram Stories are fun, which is one of the reasons your business should be using them. Like everything else in digital marketing, there is a strategic way to implement them into your marketing plan to help you be successful. Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why you should use Instagram Stories as part of your digital strategy:
- They’re discoverable: As long as your account isn’t set to private, anyone can find and view your stories. You can amp up your chances of being discovered by adding hashtags to your stories. People can search hashtags and watch all stories that use a specific hashtag. This is a great strategy to get new users to stumble upon your account.
- They get a lot of eyeballs: One great thing about Stories is that they last for 24 hours. While some may see the fact that they only last a day as a downfall, it can actually be a good thing! Unlike regular Instagram posts that may only pop up around the time it’s posted, someone who uses Instagram in the early hours may have a chance to see your story as much as night owls. Pro-tip: If you do want to keep your story, you can save it to your camera roll.
- You can feature Stories: Have something so good you want it around for more than 24 hours? Feature it! Instagram allows you to save and feature your story on your profile for as long as you’d like! You can customize your featured story by naming it and creating a cover image.
- They help humanize your brand: Everyone is utilizing Instagram stories. And, take it from us, they don’t always have to look picture perfect to be effective. It’s nice to see Starbucks using the drawing features and gifs that all of us normal people use and enjoy. Users notice this and feel more connected with your brand. Your Stories do not have to be a professional video every time.
- They can build relationships: Instagram Stories allows you to tag other users and businesses. Whenever you tag someone, they get a notification. This is a great tool to talk to other businesses, partners, industry leaders, and more to build relationships and your brand.
These are just a few ways your brand can benefit from Instagram Stories. Need some help with your digital strategy? Contact our team today, we love to talk strategy: contact@mj2marketing.com