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Top 10 Things To Know About Gen Z

The population of Generation Z has over 68 million young people making it the 2nd largest demographic in the population (first is Millennials). It is imperative that marketers are familiar with this large and powerful generation and understand how, where and when to reach them.
Here is our Top 10 Things To Know About Generation Z:  

  1. Born in 1996 or after (5-19 years old)
  2. The #1 reason they use the internet is #socialmedia
  3. Attention span is 8 seconds
  4. 85% research online
  5. Spend more than 7 ½ hours a day in front of a screen
  6. 73% are online within one hour of being awake
  7. Send more than 100 texts a day
  8. Multi-task across 5 screens
  9. 1/3 come from single-parent households
  10. 57% would rather save money than spend it