Blog Post

Social Marketing for Events and Trade Shows

As digital marketing strategists, we are often asked to teach and train our clients on how to utilize social media during their events and trade shows. Being active in your social communities during an event not only gains awareness of your brand, but potentially new customers and leads for your business.

Here are some of our tips to help get your organization event-ready.

  • Join the “official” hashtag conversation. Recently we attended the Interact Conference on #digitalmarketing. The official hashtag was #interact16. We used this hashtag to allow MJ2 to be seen by anyone following the tag at the event or online. Easily add the Hashtag to your posts on your social media platforms.


  • Promote your booth. Trade shows assign booth numbers to the exhibitors. Be sure to showcase images that are branded with your booth number and encourage attendees to stop by your booth, enter to win any contests or promotions, meet your team, etc.


  • Participate during the event. It is a must to share images and video live from your booth. People love to see what’s happening in real time. Include the official hashtag of the event so those attending, as well as online, can interact with your brand and be part of the action.
  • Run an online giveaway during the event. Encourage visitors to your booth and online guests to “tag” your business on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. by offering a virtual giveaway to those unable to come in person.


  • Get Connected! Invite your booth visitors to follow your social communities online. Once a visitor is met in person, connecting online allows your organization to market to them after the event.  In addition, have members of your sales team connect with prospective customers on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a powerful platform for making connections with decision makers who participate regularly on that social network.

At your next event or trade show, make sure you are being a good brand steward by setting up and implementing online awareness that is impactful and memorable.