Blog Post

Turn up the Heat on Your Marketing Strategy with UGC

Being a brand your consumers can trust is imperative to a quality business strategy. It’s a best-of-the-best ideology that’s withstood the test of time in business. But achieving a high level of consumer trust is easier said than done. However, User-Generated Content (UGC) can set the stage for a level of trust your consumers will feel is reliable.


Our award-winning work with one of our clients, Fire-Dex, is rich in UGC. Recently, the video below was shared to the Fire-Dex Facebook page:

OK if I can do it so can y’all I’m 6’3 325 pounds
Posted by Sonny Coffey on Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Allowing these extremely talented firefighters (we know we couldn’t squeeze through a ladder in civilian clothes) speak for the quality of Fire-Dex gear resulted in this impressive level of engagement. The video highlighted movement and mobility, the key differentiator in the Fire-Dex product line.

Make It Work For You

These points showcase ways to share a Facebook review, customer survey or other positive customer experience in your social communities:

  1. Text Only Status Update or Share
    Share the testimonial and the person’s name as a Facebook post, tweet or status update with no image.  This is the simplest way to quickly share positive feedback.
  2. Photo from the Person
    Ask for the customer’s permission to use or reshare their photo or video.
  3. Branded Testimonial Image
    Creatively design a customer testimonial image with the product and the review text.

These branded customer testimonials are shareable in most, if not all, social networks. They allow you to let your product – and the people behind them – speak for themselves.