Live-tweeting is all about letting your Twitter followers in on the action of a live event. It simulates their presence and gives them the opportunity to engage in an event without being in physical attendance. The methodology behind live-tweeting is much different from typical, everyday tweets. Here are nine tips you can use to prepare for your next live event.
#1: Rewrite Your Bio
To better align with the event, edit your Twitter bio to inform anyone who views your profile of your presence at the event. Include a link to a website you wish to drive traffic to and any panels or events you’ll be attending.
#2: Turn it Sideways
No one likes an event spammer but it is commonly understood that companies will want to promote their product or service during an event. To accomplish this without frustrating other attendees, use a “sideways tweet.” Tie in the topic of the event with your product or service in a subtle way using relevant content.
#3: Don’t Forget the #
Never forget to include the event hashtag. Anything tweeted related to the event should include the hashtag that event is using. But beware: single companies will sometimes use unofficial event hashtags that will not reach the bigger audience you’re targeting.
#4: Use the Spotlight
If you’re live-tweeting a large event with an audience who is your company’s target audience, it could be the prime time to announce a new product, service or contest. Use your event following to make your big announcement.
#5: Make a List
Create a private list on Twitter, or your preferred Twitter management tool, consisting of influencers, journalists and companies who will be attending the event. It will allow you to stay organized and on top of the topics generating the most buzz.
#6: Tweet Important Tidbits
Keep an ear out for important quotes and “nuggets” of information spoken by speakers and panelists. Then, tweet them immediately. If a keynote speaker says a great quote related to the event, people will want to share it with their audiences. Why not make it your tweet that everyone retweets?
#7: Create Content
Before you depart for the event, make sure you create branded images with your company’s logo to use during the event. Below is an example of a branded image we created for the upcoming Global Business Travel Association’s Convention 2015. [not sure if we can share one of these?]
#8: Keep It Original
Tweet your own content – photos, videos, audio clips and commentary. Retweets are always great, but if you’re creating your own copy for a tweet, it should include original media as well.
#9: Make a Recap
If you have a company blog, the event can be a great way to learn new information for blog content. An event recap containing helpful knowledge learned at the event and screen captures of popular tweets will be shareable for the following you obtained during the course of the event.