As another school year begins the MJ2 team reflects on our first days of school and the teachers that impacted us.
“My favorite teacher was Miss Foote. She taught 10th grade English and taught me how to write!” – Megan James
“Mr. Albert Guenther, my Science teacher in 8th grade would have to have been the best teacher I ever had because of his excitement for the subject and his energy in teaching Science. He really made learning science concepts fun! He was recognized the year that I had him for the prestigious Presidential Award for Excellence in Science Teaching and the National Science Teaching Award. He was that good!” – Anna Young
“My favorite teacher was my high school art teacher, Mrs. Aumiller. She is the one that encouraged me to go into graphic design.” – Ashley Allison
“My favorite teacher was Mrs. Sharon Larson in 5th grade. She was rumored to be one of the meanest 5th grade teachers at Olentangy and I was horrified when I found out I had her. I was happily surprised to find she was the opposite. She was strict but fun, smart and challenging. I learned so much from her. She even brought in her 12 foot pet python snake to school one day and let all of us help hold it. I doubt that would happen these days. Thanks Mrs. Larson!” – Anne Harkin
“Mrs. Ritchey (5th and 7th grades) She was my absolute favorite teacher and I was very excited to have her fifth and seventh grades. She made learning fun and kept my interest in science, which was not an easy task.” – Lisa Moore