At MJ2 Marketing we love working in social media. A strong digital footprint is one of the best ways for a business to successfully interact with their clients. However many people are uncertain about where to get started, or don’t know how to take their platforms to the next level. To help address those questions we have asked the fantastic MJ2 team to provide a little bit of insight into the world of social marketing.
What is your favorite social media platform?
ANNA: Twitter would be my favorite social media platform because of the immediacy of the information that is provided and also the ease of use to send a tweet.
ANNE: A few years ago I would’ve said Facebook but now it’s my LEAST favorite. Now I’d have to say it is Twitter for quick info gathering and Pinterest for fun. (Who knew you could make a headboard out of a bunch of old pairs of jeans?)
LISA: Personally, I like Instagram and Facebook the best. They are both easy to navigate and great to keep up with friends and family with beautiful pics. And, both provide a nice “window’ into old and new friends lives. Professionally, I prefer LinkedIn.
MEGAN: LinkedIn
What is your favorite part about working in social media?
ANNA: I enjoy the opportunity to have access to so much information across various business sectors. I learn something every day.
ANNE: It provides a more personal connection with your audience, and the fast pace is awesome.
LISA: Being current! This applies to being current professionally and personally. Everyone is curious about it, so it is a nice conversation starter in most settings.
MEGAN: The flexibility and level of immediacy.
In you opinion, what is the most important part of a successful social media campaign?
ANNA: Having a strategy to provide an opportunity to deliver on the goals of a project is the most important part of a successful social media campaign. There is definitely more to it than just tweeting or posting. There has to be a campaign and strategy for using the various social networks that are out there.
ANNE: A strong content blueprint. If you don’t have one, you’ll be posting all kinds of information without any plan or strategy.
LISA: Goal definition. Before starting any social campaign, clearly defining the primary goal is the most important task to complete. After defining the number one goal, it is also good to note the secondary and tertiary goals, if any.
MEGAN: The strategy and the content blueprint, and making sure it lines up with your entire marketing strategy and not siloed or a sub-component.
What is one thing that any business can do today to improve their social media?
ANNA: Have a clear goal and objective of what they want to get from their social media network. They are not all alike and need to be cultivated in order to find success.
ANNE: Ask for help from someone who has specific experience in social media. Not everyone is an expert.
LISA: Pick one, yes, just one, social vehicle to participate in and do it! Or, better yet, let MJ2 do a jumpstart for you in that venue and get you started. In 2 weeks, you could be a rockin’ and rollin’ in the socialsphere.
MEGAN: I have seen quite a few slow starts, or stop-starts. Those can be a brand disaster. I think once a plan is in place to engage with your end-user, then execution is key.
Have more questions to ask MJ2? Sound off in the comments! We’d love to chat.