Now that you have established your digital presence, it is time to take your strategy to the next level. With the bevy of businesses that are already active on social media, how do you make your business stand out above the rest? Here are four easy steps to sharpen your campaign and improve your strategy.
1. Diversify your presence
While Facebook and Twitter are still the dominant social media platforms, 2013 saw the rise of image-based platforms such as Pinterest and Instagram. Diversification allows brands to engage with customers across a variety of quickly growing platforms.
2. Proofread
Sure, it sounds simple enough. However, it is important to remember that a business is being represented, not one individual person. Errors and slang will make your brand look unprofessional. Double check that all status updates and blog articles are free from spelling and grammar errors before publishing.
3. Include optimized images
Images are essential in today’s marketing world. Optimizing your images for social sharing allows you to extend the reach and visibility of the image. Be sure to use standard formats and relatively small file sizes so that your images load quickly on all devices.
4. Switch it up
Social media is constantly changing, which means you need to be current on the latest trends so that you can adjust your strategy accordingly. Using free tools like Google Analytics will help you keep a close eye on the behavior of your visitors so that you can accurately gauge what works, and what doesn’t.
Are you ready to take control of your social strategy and expand your customer reach?