The City of Dublin Facebook page provides information pertinent to the residents of the community. MJ2 Marketing partnered with the City of Dublin to bring awareness to the Facebook page after a recent survey noted that 73 percent of the residents were on Facebook but not aware of the City Facebook page. How did MJ2 Marketing increase the City’s page likes by 66 percent, increase overall engagement and drive over 4,000 visits to the City’s website in just 10 weeks?
Survey Says…Dublin Rocks!
MJ2 Marketing took the results of that survey and branded the “I Rock Dublin” campaign, designing t-shirts and utilizing a Facebook App for Dublin residents to tell why they think Dublin Rocks. We also created magazine ads and other promotional materials to spread the love Dublin residents have for their favorite town.
The visually enhanced campaign is getting noticed. Take a look at the article in It’s Happening in Dublin. We are thrilled to see our own Anna Young’s daughter, Kylie, featured and rocking the “I ROCK Dublin” shirt!
“Our community survey revealed it. And now Facebook is a testament to how much residents “rock” the City of Dublin. Our #irockdublin campaign kicked off before Independence Day on Facebook and was promoted through the City’s other social media tools including Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. We also painted the Coffman High School Rock with I “Rock” Dublin. The engagement on Facebook has been incredible with residents, Dublin corporate employees and visitors sharing why they “rock” Dublin. The “I Rock Dublin” tee shirts have also been a huge hit.”
Public Affairs Officer
Division of Community Relations
City of Dublin