By now you should know all about the the benefits of running Google Analytics on your website. What’s not to love? The easy to read graphs and data show traffic spikes and dips, and can even trace a conversion back to the online content. The tool we all love has evolved, again. Google recently announced the addition of a new user segmentation tool to its analytic platform, enabling you to analyze subsets of your traffic.
Previously, you were somewhat limited in the ways you could analyze your data. Now, according to the Official Google Analytics Blog, you can identify user demographics, total spending and path to purchase.
The Google Analytics team further explained (in a video clip seen here) that webmasters now can see data about “users from a particular geographic region who arrived via a specific campaign and who used a specific technology to interact with your content…Previously in analytics, you could evaluate only visit based behavior. That is, anything that users did within the timeframe of a single visit”.
In addition to the new user segmentation tool, Google added cohort analysis, sequence segments and segment templates, along with a new interface to make website metrics more intuitive for those who want more data.
Google Analytics is key to content marketing and SEO success, but more than one-quarter of businesses are still not utilizing the tool! We hope to see more businesses recognize the vast potential Google Analytics has to offer as the updates roll out over the next few months and start using this great resource.