Blog Post

Our Method – 40/40/20 – Sharing/Engagement/Promotion

As Facebook continues to evolve and make changes, MJ2 adapts, reviews, tests and makes changes as well.  Since the most recent round of Facebook changes, implemented in late September, we updated our weekly blueprint posting guidelines and methodology around content management to improve placement and visibility.  The results have worked quite well!
A quick glimpse into our content blueprint methodology:

  • 40% of the time we are sharing relevant articles, photos, updates and other information that is relevant to that community
  • 40% of the time we are posting engaging articles, photos, updates or blogs
  • 20% of the time, we are promoting the business or cause of the page.

Our goal is to have a balanced array of information that our audience deems important or interesting enough to keep reading and participating within the Facebook community. Experts may agree or disagree with us on these percentages; however, with 13 managed communities with multiple Facebook pages, we are here to tell you…this works.
Wednesday’s success within the Face Forward Facebook community clearly demonstrates our methodology. Awards and accolades have been abundant on this page; however, the greatest gift we have received so far was yesterday, with the “sharing” of this photo…

Results (and this continues to change by the minute)…

  • 143 Shares.  That is 143 shares!

What does your page look like in the “share” category?