Blog Post

Content is King

We all know that content is king and the humanistic side of content really matters! At MJ2, when we manage content, we oftentimes try to get employees involved to help carve out the online brand personality. Sharing things that are important to each department, and running them through an online series through your blog and Facebook are great ways to bring relevant content to help develop the personality. After all, people still do business with people. And if you “like” that person and brand, well then, enough said! Here are a few great examples of campaigns that did very well.

Fireproof’s Who’s Behind the Box blog series
This started as a monthly blog series highlight and has now become a twice monthly series due to its popularity. The employees at Fireproof love it, and stats are always highest on these posting days. Check it out here!

Fire-Dex videos of employees remembering 9/11/01
The ten-year anniversary of 9.11 was an important time for Fire-Dex employees. Many were impacted by this event personally. Our video montage series was very well received, and the firefighter community responded well to the series. Watch it here!
Priority Peeps
Our latest work with Priority Mortgage, a conservative brand that houses some exceptional people. This first interview with Missy Chaffins-Hounshell will set the stage for a wonderful series this winter:

My favorite thing to do in my spare time is…
Assuming this thing called “spare time” really exists: I enjoy reading, writing and eating (not particularly in that order.) In fact, I can probably do all three simultaneously while juggling. Okay, I can’t really juggle.

I like working at Priority Mortgage because…

A paycheck is nice. But, a paycheck is even nicer when you get to spend the days with some of the friendliest people around. Everyone wears a smile around this place. =)

My favorite book is…

The Catcher in the Rye by JD Sallinger

Three things you don’t know about me:

1. I ran a preschool art club from my house for two years. So, I might be insane.
2. I have a tattoo, and once had my nose pierced. And, I totally rocked pink hair.
3. I own eight pairs of Chuck Taylor tennis shoes and several pairs of cowboy boots. It’s an addiction.

New Year’s Resolution…

Forgiveness. How’s that for a challenge?

Coke or Pepsi?

Without a doubt, Coke.

What are some of your approaches to pulling in a company’s personality?