Blog Post

Fancy Meeting You Here

A few weeks ago I set out on another lacrosse tournament adventure with my daughter. This time we were heading to the Windy City, Chicago.
After we arrived I was sitting in the stands, patiently waiting for the game to start, when I began a conversation with the woman beside me. As it turned out, her daughter was on the team with my daughter. So, we continued talking and sharing general chit chat about the sport, other tournaments we had been to and where we were from. That’s when it happened!

She mentioned she was from Medina, Ohio. I brought up Brecksville and the Cleveland connection. I quickly added that I had a friend from high school that lived there and he worked at Fire-Dex in Medina. To that, she turned to me and said, “My husband works at Fire-Dex.” Now, her husband doesn’t just work at Fire-Dex.  He’s somewhat of a Fire-Dex legend.

Her husband is Allen Rom….and many who know Fire-Dex know Allen.  MJ2 has been working with Fire-Dex for almost a year now and have learned so much about Allen. I had never met him in person, but knew he was quite an integral part of the Fire-Dex sales team and was quite an animated character.

We had a great time and laughed all weekend about this happenstance meeting. I would never have imagined that I would need to drive 6 hours west of Dublin, Ohio for a high school girl’s lacrosse tournament to meet one of the key sales people for Fire-Dex in Medina, Ohio. Seems like the stars and planets aligned, or something like that.

It really is a small world!  And yes, his daughter is awesome at lacrosse!