Meet Kati Keenan – our awesome intern who joins our group this summer for the third year in a row! Kati is busy on the Face Forward outreach project, video productions for several new and existing clients, and learning all about QR codes. We only have Kati for a short time this summer due to her studies abroad. Read more on Kati’s perspective and her upcoming travels.
For the past three summers, I have been a part of the MJ2 Marketing team as a college intern. From this internship, I’ve had the opportunity to gain real world experience, advance my leadership skills and learn how to manage my time efficiently and effectively. My favorite aspect of MJ2 Marketing is how well we all work together as a team. We effortlessly bounce ideas off of each other and are willing to take criticism that we know will better the company and ourselves. I have personally seen this joint effort when we collaborate to identify, storyboard, edit and complete full production videos. Without MJ2 Marketing, I would be half the worker I am today. I give them full credit for transforming me.
As for the rest of the summer goes, I will continue to work with MJ2 Marketing until July 8th when I leave to study abroad in Australia. Studying abroad in Australia will be an educational adventure that I won’t ever forget. One opportunity that I am participating in during my time abroad is the Volunteer Abroad Program provided through AustraLearn. I am truly excited to contribute and give back to my host country. For this program, I will be working side-by-side with Conservation Volunteers (CVA) in order to preserve and restore Australia’s unique and beautiful environment. This project will take place in a remote location and will include tree planting, walking trail construction, litter collection and various other things to help preserve Australia’s beauty. I cannot wait for my time abroad and am excited to learn all about Australia’s unique culture!
Kati Keenan