Blog Post

Gotta Love My Big Sis

To look at us, most would say that my older sister Becky and I have a great relationship. Becky is four years my senior, and as a kid, she was always one step ahead of me.
The faster car in high school (A Datsun B-210 if you must know. I won’t even comment on my model).
The better “feather” of the hair.
The neatest clothes. (Halter tops, Dr. Scholl’s, earth shoes, monogrammed sweaters…)
The craziest friends. (I cannot comment on her friends. They were just, crazy!)
I pretty much watched her every move. And copied it!  When she ordered that jean jacket with the studs, I would go out and buy the same one.  When she sang and danced around her pink shag carpeted room to David Bowie, I was right there spying on her.  Pet rocks came and went. She had one, and I had one. Everything, and I mean everything she did, I mimicked. I followed so closely behind her that if she stopped dead in her tracks, I would have bumped right into her.  I think most of the time she hated it. Having your sister around all the time was just not “cool”.
Fast forward.  We are working mothers, navigating through the waters of raising a family. She has two boys who are close to graduation, so of course, I am perked up and watching, listening, and taking notes.  My day will come.
Becky has made a wonderful career for herself in the advertising industry, now a Senior Vice President at SBC Advertising with some twenty years in the industry.  She is excellent at what she does, and pulls in the multi-million dollar, mega deals. And I watch, and listen.
Recently, in between TV spots and radio shoots, she has perked up to social marketing and the direction that I plan to take MJ2. She has even thrown some bones my way.  Could I be one step ahead of her?
With the release of Business First’s Top Central Ohio Ad Agencies, I was thrilled that MJ2 Marketing made the list. “We made the list”, I said to our team at our offices this past Tuesday. And I did do a herky jump.  I was psyched to just be on the same page with some of these major players in town.
But as I glanced up, up, up the page to the top five agencies in central Ohio, there she was, number four – SBC Advertising. I knew I would see SBC right up there at the top.
But don’t you worry. I will catch up to you Becky!