Blog Post

Face-to-Face and Facebook. It works.

Fire-Dex once again was present at this year’s FDIC 2011 trade show…with a seriously superior product line and amazing giveaways!  Trade shows with these guys are never “ho-hum”.  Here is what we did to help Fire-Dex prepare.  Hint: it was all about the boot!
1) Plan and create a facebook “welcome” page for new fans to showcase turn-out gear and encourage brand sharing.  Branded “One Brand Head to Toe”.
2) Plan booth process and flow for capturing new facebook fans and email addresses for future opportunities and updates (we used PC’s and iPads and web-based e-marketing technology).
3) Blog posts 2-3 weeks prior to the event the Fire-Dex blog highlighted turn-out gear that would be seen at the booth.  Hint: the boot!
Few days before the FDIC event:
The marketing team at Fire-Dex had HUGE lists of things-to-do.  They knew that social marketing was a necessity during the show, but were not exactly clear what they had to do.  We worked with their team to “think social”, and in fact, engage with their end user in person at the show, and on  Facebook and Twitter.
End Result:
The gear was a hit; the product line solid; the social sign-up was easy (with a little help from a modeling agency); and twitter helped to drive direct traffic to their booth and website.  Impressions were at an all-time high, and #FDIC had a serious following.

  • Facebook fan base prior to event: 400.
  • Facebook fan base after the event: 683.

Our targeted demographic of Males, ages 18-24 had a 99% increase!
Conversations were started, and guess what was talked about most on social pages? You guessed it. The boot. Here was our favorite boot comment:  “Loved the booth, and the stylish boots and comfort rating, could wear them at 2012 all day!”