Not having the information you need when you need it leaves you wanting. Not knowing where to look for that information leaves you powerless. In a society where information is king, none of us can afford that.
– Lois Horowitz, Author
The global pandemic has left many people feeling uncertain about many areas of their life and the need for accurate, timely, and valuable information has – not surprisingly – reached a pinnacle. In whatever industry your business operates, there is no doubt that your customers and potential customers are hungry for information.
To meet this need on behalf of many of our clients, we have worked with them to create industry-relevant website resource pages on their website. This provided them a platform to deliver the most up-to-date information available, thereby establishing their brand as a trusted resource. But to be clear, information isn’t king only during pandemics, but all of the time. Understand what knowledge your audience relies on you for, and provide it.
Resource Pages Provide a Single Point of Reference
Resource pages can provide a single point of reference for a particular topic in which your client base may be interested, as well as a simple way to answer common questions and establish your company as the expert in your field. From an SEO perspective, resource pages also can help drive traffic from search engines to your website from visitors who may not have found you otherwise. Here are a few examples:
Benefactor Group
Benefactor Group – A firm that provides innovative consulting services to nonprofits in Ohio and nationwide, Benefactor Group knew that their clients would need information, quickly and accurately, to manage the impact of the global pandemic. The MJ2 Marketing team created Resources for Uncertain Times on their website, kept it updated with the latest information, curated the content on the social platforms, and provided strategy on what additional content should be created based on the pages’ analytics.
Wealthstone Advisors
WEALTHSTONE ADVISORS – Based in Columbus, Ohio, and serving clients nationwide, WEALTHSTONE ADVISORS has been a leader in wealth management for over 40 years. Working with individuals, families, and business owners to manage the various aspects of their financial affairs over the many cycles of wealth ownership, timely information is essential. Their COVID-19 Resources provided an easy platform to share tax and market updates, new legislation, and articles relevant to their clients.
Ohio Association of Advanced Practice Nurses
Ohio Association of Advanced Practice Nurses – OAAPN is the largest and only full-service statewide professional membership organization for Advanced Practice Registered Nurses of all specialties within Ohio. With many of their members on the front line of the pandemic, it was crucial for them to provide daily updates on COVID-19 in Ohio, telehealth updates, and the latest information from the Ohio Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and a myriad of other information to their members. They utilized both their social platforms and their website to do so, including the creation of the COVID-19 Resources page on their website.
Get Started On Your Own Resource Page
Contact us if you would like to have a conversation about how you can best communicate with your client base, establish your expertise in your field, or improve your SEO – all possible with a high quality resource page.