Who do you think of when you hear the words “The Intern?” Is it Robert DeNiro, Vince Vaughn, or Owen Wilson? At MJ2, it’s not the Hollywood “interns” that we think of, but instead, someone a little closer to home who helps us bring our clients’ stories to the big screen. And it may not be the big screen quite yet, but this intern is well on her way. She’s our MJ2 video intern, Brianna Celestina.
Brianna hails from THE Ohio State University and is a junior majoring in film studies with a minor in video arts. Brianna is a bright and insightful intern who manages to observe our clients in their own environment and take her interpretations, intuitions and video experience and transform their stories into informational and inspiring short videos.
On Brianna’s first day, she was sent to cover a live event for our client, OAAPN, and was able to witness a powerful and moving day in their industry. She created this wonderful video and all of which was done on day one of the internship. We can hardly wait to see what she creates over the next several months.
Here’s a little more on Brianna:
MJ2: Where are you from and what high school did you attend?
Brianna: I was born in the Cleveland area, but moved to Maryland when I was 10, and then just recently moved back to Cleveland. I went to Mount de Sales Academy in Catonsville, MD.
MJ2: What’s your favorite part about being a film student at The Ohio State University?
Brianna: Probably the access to amazing films and even more amazing professors; OSU’s film program has some of the most passionate people teaching the students and have a genuine interest in their students education and their further careers.
MJ2: What inspired you to get into film and video?
Brianna: My grandfather was actually the person who inspired me to get into film. Ever since I remember, he has carried around a camera, recording everything about our lives. He even had the dream of creating actual feature films, but when he got married and had kids, he had to give up his big dreams to support his family. I not only do what I do for me, but also for the dream that he had to give up.
MJ2: What is your favorite movie?
Brianna: My favorite movie is not a very acclaimed movie, but is a film that really tuned my eye towards film style and its aesthetic. It is the first Transformers movie, though not known for its narrative (which it does lack) it was the film that really excited my inner child, as a lover of the action figures, and the overall spectacle and escapism that film can provide.
MJ2: What is your favorite local restaurant or place to hangout?
Brianna: My favorite local hangout spot is Stauf’s Coffee Roasters in Columbus. I frequently visit this cute little coffee shop to work on edits or grab a cup with my friends.
MJ2: What’s the best thing that happened to you this week?
Brianna: The best thing that happened to me this week was when I sat in on a staff meeting with MJ2 and realized that what I had been creating was appreciated and liked! That’s the best feeling in the world.
MJ2: What is your favorite app?
Brianna: My favorite app by far is Instagram. Being a visual person, I love that I can communicate and present my world in an almost exclusive visual manner.
MJ2: Who is/was your inspiration?
Brianna: My biggest inspiration, other than my grandfather, is Jack and Finn Harries. They are small filmmakers from London that created a brand called JacksGap. They create short films that range from human-interest stories to information pieces on the global environment. I am particularly drawn to their narrative structures as well as their film style, which is very cool and crisp, and something that I aspire to be able to create one day.
MJ2: What are you most nervous about starting your new internship at MJ2?
Brianna: I was most nervous about proving to others and myself that I can actually create cohesive and meaningful content. My greatest fear was failing at something that I truly love to do, and not being able to prove all the people that questioned my career choice wrong.
Well we are one bunch who is not questioning that choice at all. As a matter of fact, we’re quite thankful. Check out the MJ2 YouTube channel for all of Brianna’s work.
Welcome to MJ2, Brianna!