Tools of the Trade | MJ2 Marketing


Tools of the Trade

Content marketing is a daunting task when you tackle it by yourself. We are always testing and utilizing new tools to streamline our practices and ensure we are maximizing our reach. Here are a few of our new favorites.
Analyze any Twitter account for details on their followers’ activity, gender, and behaviors.
Utilizing your Twitter account, this tool suggests stories that you could tweet, based on what your followers like.
Over or Phonto
Quickly add stylized type to an image. These are excellent resources for for quick posts.
Bonus section
A quick note about mobile usability.
Google will begin using mobile usability as a part of their rankings.

  • Don’t put your links too close to each other
  • Don’t make links too short
    Hootsuite is a great tool for managing your Twitter accounts – Bad
    Hootsuite is a great tool for managing your Twitter accounts – Better