Taking It One Step Further | MJ2 Marketing


Taking It One Step Further

10574381_10152617536532867_7321169870872235703_nAt MJ2 Marketing, it is our goal to fully assist all of our clients in developing and maintaining a strong social media presence. This can mean different things for different clients. For Fire-Dex, the premier firefighter clothing and accessory manufacturer, that meant not just success on their corporate pages, but also success for their vast network of distributors.FD_Infographic_BEST
To that end, MJ2 has helped create a resource center that Fire-Dex is able to share across their distributor network. This online repository is updated regularly and contains everything from branded images, to testimonials, to interesting infographics, all designed to both provide useful content to Fire-Dex’s partners, and to help effectively spread brand awareness. In addition to the image bank, MJ2 has also designed a brief social media guide to help distributors most effectively manage their own social platforms.
Social marketing can be an intimidating prospect. But with the right support, it can be one of the best ways to take your business to the next level. For more, see our blog post 10 Steps to Get Started on Social Media.

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